Lowest and Highest Short Codes

Lowest short codes by printer
Short codeValueCountrySignature
Finland D001A1note20Finland L031 D  23.01.2005
France E001A1note5Finland L080 T  04.12.2008
Austria F001A1note20Austria N**00 D  04.02.2008
Netherlands G001A5note20Netherlands P013 D  09.05.2005
United Kingdom H004H2note20Portugal M*09 D  05.08.2008
Italy J001C5note20Italy S014 D  16.12.2006
Ireland K002A1note10Ireland T*22 D  29.12.2006
France L001D3note5France U**01 D  09.01.2007
Spain M001D3note50Spain V006 D  04.08.2006
Greece N001A2note5Greece Y014 D  22.11.2007
Germany P001A1note20Germany X006 D  18.04.2009
Germany R001A2note5Germany X159 T  28.11.2009
Belgium T001A4note5Belgium Z1**17 D  19.04.2008
Portugal U001C3note10Portugal M*05 D  16.04.2011

Highest short codes by printer
Short codeValueCountrySignature
Finland D002A1note100Finland L139 D  02.11.2008
France E009E4note5Netherlands P247 T **  01.03.2013
Austria F020I1note10Austria N**28 T **  07.03.2013
Netherlands G037G4note50Germany X795 D **  26.01.2013
United Kingdom H016H5note50Netherlands P076 D *  04.10.2012
Italy J076F1note50Italy S509 T *  12.01.2013
Ireland K007D2note10Ireland T*83 T  14.04.2012
France L079B6note20France U**84 T *  01.12.2012
Spain M040D5note50Spain V428 T *  06.08.2012
Greece N031I2note10Greece Y170 T *  23.06.2012
Germany P031H3note50Germany X572 T *  20.08.2012
Germany R037G1note50Germany X648 T *  18.09.2012
Belgium T026G4note50Belgium Z7**42 T **  03.02.2013
Portugal U018A3note20Portugal M*37 T  15.12.2010

Highest short codes: note5
Short codeValueCountrySignature
Finland D001G5note5Finland L070 D  13.08.2004
France E009E4note5Netherlands P247 T **  01.03.2013
Austria F005I2note5Austria N**08 T  16.08.2009
Netherlands G007I4note5Netherlands P059 D **  05.02.2013
Italy J005J3note5Italy S054 D  11.03.2006
Ireland K003J1note5Ireland T*67 T *  06.11.2012
France L032A4note5France U**85 T *  26.07.2012
Spain M015H3note5Spain V193 T *  22.11.2012
Greece N001A2note5Greece Y014 D  22.11.2007
Germany P018B6note5Germany X356 T *  11.10.2012
Germany R006J6note5Germany X203 T  28.07.2011
Belgium T001I5note5Belgium Z1**07 D  24.07.2005
Portugal U007H5note5Portugal M*71 T *  02.01.2013

Highest short codes: note10
Short codeValueCountrySignature
Finland D001G5note10Finland L093 D  17.03.2010
France E007H3note10Germany X796 D ***  12.04.2013
Austria F020I1note10Austria N**28 T **  07.03.2013
Netherlands G017I4note10Germany X599 T *  30.08.2012
Italy J007D3note10Italy S070 D **  27.03.2013
Ireland K007D2note10Ireland T*83 T  14.04.2012
France L053H2note10France U**94 T **  25.01.2013
Spain M012G5note10Spain V149 D **  20.02.2013
Greece N031I2note10Greece Y170 T *  23.06.2012
Germany P019I2note10Germany X749 T *  17.09.2012
Germany R025B4note10Germany X542 T *  05.12.2012
Belgium T001I5note10Belgium Z2**12 D  12.01.2006
Portugal U001C3note10Portugal M*05 D  16.04.2011

Highest short codes: note20
Short codeValueCountrySignature
Finland D001F4note20Finland L106 D  11.06.2004
France E006I6note20Finland L308 T **  25.03.2013
Austria F003D3note20Austria N**03 T  16.03.2009
Netherlands G015I4note20Germany X570 D  12.08.2011
United Kingdom H006C4note20Finland L260 T  07.10.2010
Italy J025C2note20Italy S292 T **  19.02.2013
Ireland K003B4note20Ireland T*66 T *  25.09.2012
France L079B6note20France U**84 T *  01.12.2012
Spain M024F2note20Spain V265 T  02.12.2010
Greece N003D4note20Greece Y021 T *  30.08.2012
Germany P018C1note20Germany X338 T  26.04.2011
Germany R006G6note20Germany X243 T *  17.05.2012
Belgium T002G1note20Belgium Z4**20 D  06.02.2006
Portugal U018A3note20Portugal M*37 T  15.12.2010

Highest short codes: note50
Short codeValueCountrySignature
Finland D001E3note50Finland L046 D  20.07.2004
Austria F008F4note50Italy S632 T **  25.01.2013
Netherlands G037G4note50Germany X795 D **  26.01.2013
United Kingdom H016H5note50Netherlands P076 D *  04.10.2012
Italy J076F1note50Italy S509 T *  12.01.2013
France L010C2note50France U**28 D  14.03.2005
Spain M040D5note50Spain V428 T *  06.08.2012
Greece N001F2note50Greece Y005 D  12.10.2007
Germany P031H3note50Germany X572 T *  20.08.2012
Germany R037G1note50Germany X648 T *  18.09.2012
Belgium T026G4note50Belgium Z7**42 T **  03.02.2013

Highest short codes: note100
Short codeValueCountrySignature
Finland D002A1note100Finland L139 D  02.11.2008
Italy J032B5note100Italy S234 T *  24.12.2012
Germany P010A2note100Germany X081 D  16.11.2011
Belgium T001C5note100Belgium Z7**10 D  29.12.2008

Highest short codes: note200
Short codeValueCountrySignature
Finland D001C1note200Finland L060 D  15.10.2008
Germany R005B3note200Germany X024 D  15.10.2008

Highest short codes: note500
Short codeValueCountrySignature
Finland D001E1note500Finland L097 D  29.10.2008
Germany R019F4note500Germany X099 T  16.11.2011

*** Addition(s) within the last week
** Addition(s) within the last three months

* Addition(s) within the last year

Generated 2013-04-16 21:26:39 (by NIG version 1.84)